Website Personalisation Software

Many analysts and businesses agree that the Internet is the place to be seen when it comes to retail and sales. High Street stores have huge overheads from business rates to point of sale merchandising every time a sale or promotion is on. The expensive high street shop rentals combined with falling visitor numbers are leading many retailers to concentrate more on E-commerce and online trading, it is considered by many as the future of retail.

Hand held applications for i-phones and android phones are becoming increasingly diverse and a new wave of online shopers are benefitting from this race for easy to use technology, retail giants are aware of this and they are making sure that their brands are ahead of the game to ensure they maximise profits wherever possible.

One of the main areas of E-commerce is online merchandising. Each E-commerce website is pitted against competition every minute of every day, millions of potential customers are browsing online for everything imaginable and retail businesses realise that online merchandising is as important, if not more so, than traditional point of sale merchandising, why? Because people can click to the next store if they don’t see what they want within seconds.

There are several ways of improving customer experience on E-commerce websites and one of the latest trends is website personalisation. Website personalisation software is cutting edge technology whereby a small piece of code is inserted into the template of an E-commerce website which then tracks a customers on-site activity and analyses their shopping behavior. This is then used to build a shopper profile for an individual or groups of individuals.

Shape your site experience around your customers

One of the leading companies in this field of website personalisation is Peerius. Peerius intelligently considers each individual visitor on their journey through an E-commerce website. It then looks at the products customers view, those they select, the ones they ignore, the journeys they complete and those they abandon.

The company then analyses clickstream data and utilises market leading behavioural modelling techniques to anticipate the buyer’s wants and needs. They then make comparisons with other buyers – identifying subsets of people with similar characteristics, and considering their behaviour in relation to that individual shopper. The result is an online store that’s personalised to each visitor… from home page to checkout.

Benefits of this software include:

  • Increased sales
  • Improved conversion rates
  • Enhanced customer experiences
  • Increased average order value
  • Easy to install on your website
  • Industry leading support

The future of online retail is changing fast and this form of web personalisation is critical for businesses to keep ahead of the pack and to help maximise sales.

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